Business consulting
Our business consulting services can help you improve your operational performance and productivity, adding value throughout your growth life cycle.
Business risk services
We can help you identify, understand and manage potential risks to safeguard your business and comply with regulatory requirements.
Data analytics center
Unlock the power of data with our expert Data Analytics team. We are a dedicated group of professionals who are passionate about harnessing the potential of data to drive informed decision-making and business growth. With our extensive knowledge and cutting-edge tools, we provide comprehensive data analysis solutions tailored to meet your specific needs.
Asset management
Grant Thornton’s profound experience and deep knowledge of asset management (AM) systems and registers development is based on successful implementation of large scale and complex projects in CIS region and beyond its borders.
Human capital advisory
Grant Thornton Armenia's human capital advisory services are designed to deliver the results you want throughout the entire lifecycle.
Sustainability and ESG advisory
Embark on a transformative journey with our comprehensive Sustainability and ESG services, designed to support your organization's sustainability transition and drive a meaningful impact.
Recovery & reorganisation
We provide a wide range of services to recovery and reorganisation professionals, companies and their stakeholders.
Transactional advisory services
We can support you throughout the transaction process – helping achieve the best possible outcome at the point of the transaction and in the longer term.
Grant Thornton will assist you with raising the level of your protection, offering services in the area of cybersecurity.
At Grant Thornton, our IFRS advisers can help you navigate the complexity of financial reporting.
Audit quality monitoring
Having a robust process of quality control is one of the most effective ways to guarantee we deliver high-quality services to our clients.
Global audit technology
We apply our global audit methodology through an integrated set of software tools known as the Voyager suite.

Legal advisory
Legal advisory involves a wide spectrum of corporate legal consultancy ranging from incorporation and liquidation matters, legal representation, litigation, ad-hoc legal advice, provision of legal opinions to execution of due diligence and structuring deals from a legal viewpoint.
Business process solutions
Our business process solutions team provides a range of services to support clients of all sizes, from small to medium enterprises (SMEs) through to the largest international businesses.
Tax advisory
We advise our clients on all aspects of corporate tax strategy development and tax planning, tax issues arising from formation or acquisition of a company and provide an overview of local and international perspectives.
Energy & environment
Energy and resources markets worldwide are undergoing major changes. With growing energy demand, developments in new forms of energy and the need to invest in a sustainable future, significant shifts in these sectors are taking place all over the world. At Grant Thornton, we can help you prepare for these changes and stay one step ahead of your competitors.
Oil & gas
Oil & gas
Rising operating costs, challenging capital markets and falling commodity prices are putting miners to the test worldwide, but dynamic companies can still thrive. At Grant Thornton, we can help you make the most of these opportunities and unlock your potential for growth.
Private equity
We bring together international teams from corporate finance, restructuring and turnaround, taxation and assurance services that provide bespoke solutions – from investment, through the growth phase to exit.
Asset management
Grant Thornton’s profound experience and deep knowledge of asset management (AM) systems and registers development is based on successful implementation of large scale and complex projects in CIS region and beyond its borders.

Francesca Lagerberg writes in the Harvard Business Review
Do leadership styles differ around the world? This is one of the questions explored by our recent International Business Report. We asked 3,400 business leaders working in 45 economies to tell us how important they believe certain attributes are to good leadership.
Patterns in their responses point to some intriguing cultural differences. While the top traits – integrity, communication, and a positive attitude – are almost universally agreed upon by respondents (and confidence and the ability to inspire also rank high globally) not everyone is aligned on the importance of two other traits: creativity and intuition.
Nine in ten ASEAN leaders believe creativity is important, compared with just 57% in the EU; while 85% of ASEAN leaders think intuition is important, compared to only 54% in the EU. More generally, we find greater proportions of respondents in emerging markets falling into the leadership camp we would call “modernist.” They put more emphasis on intuition and creativity and also place greater value on coaching than leaders who are “traditionalists.”
This is an intriguing discovery, but it immediately raises a follow-on question. It’s conceivable that our survey captured a gap that still exists for now but is shrinking, as globalization brings a certain sameness to businesses around the world. Will we see a steady convergence in leadership – and toward the Western style – as developing economies mature?
Many believe so. As one example, Harvard Business School’s Quinn Mills has made this prediction: “As Asian companies rely more on professional employees of all sorts, and as professional services become more important in Asian economies … Asian leadership will come to more resemble that of the West.”
I’m not so sure. Given the superior growth rates of their economies, it might be that leaders in emerging markets are gaining the confidence to stick with the management approaches that have apparently been working for them – or that they have the agility to adapt to whatever techniques and tone prove best suited to their fast-evolving local markets. A separate Grant Thornton study on Chinese leadership finds that chairmen of companies there are deliberately blending imported and home-grown management techniques and approaches to create a new “Chinese Way” of leading, rather than copying and replacing.
The evolution of leadership styles highlights a major factor: women still have far to go as business leaders. Only 24% of senior roles globally are held by women, but the number of female CEOs is rising. Evidence shows diversity improves decisions and outcomes. Studies link gender diversity to higher sales, growth, and returns on capital and equity. Research from China even finds more women on boards reduces fraud. In contrast, uniform backgrounds often lead to uniform opinions and poorer decisions. The pressure to make management less “male and pale” is steadily increasing.
It has often been claimed that a key way in which business women differ from business men is in their leadership styles. For example, research shows that women leaders, on average, are more democratic and participative than their male counterparts. Studies have also shown that, as investors, women are more risk-averse and, at the household level, tend to invest a higher proportion of their earnings in their families and communities than men.
Looking across the global landscape today, we find women more prevalent in the upper echelons of companies in Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. Perhaps it is not just coincidence that where we see more women leading, our survey finds more openness to using creativity and intuition – and also a higher value placed on the ability to delegate. In any case, these parts of the world, with their higher proportions of women in leadership, have a fair claim to be arriving sooner at the well-blended leadership style of the future.
Analytics-driven decision-making is now widespread, replacing “gut feel” in many areas. While this marks progress, some business decisions—especially those involving future possibilities or competing values—cannot be reduced to data alone. These decisions require creativity and intuition, traits that test and define leadership. In today’s fast-paced, digitally powered world, the ability to balance data with intuition can differentiate innovators from those left behind. Creativity and intuition may well be the key to gaining a competitive edge.